I didn’t even know I was lost.
I was sailing along, enjoying life at a top level. I was a wife, mum, career professional. On paper, I was sorted.
When my body began to attack itself and my health rapidly deteriorated, I felt frightened, alone and stuck. Although I still had my roles in life, I had the stark realisation that I had lost the most important relationship – with myself.
Being sick was the catalyst for me to incite change. Being sick allowed me to peel back the layers and peer in. I was fast tracked to a level of vulnerability I’d never before experienced. I started to share my story and let people into my real world.
When you are reduced to running on survival mode, it is amazing to see how quickly clarity comes to you. All the excess ‘stuff’ just fades away. You dont have energy to waste and so you simply take only what is absolutely critical for you to survive and move forward.
I realised during these dark days, that I didnt know much about my true self. I had a vehicle running on autopilot – a people pleaser who sought approval, who fulfilled others expectations, who did what she thought a ‘good girl’ in society should do. I was a good wife, mum, daughter, friend and sister. But in all this outward focus, there was no room left for me.
I started to understand that I didnt know what my gifts were, what I was passionate about and what made me happy. I was encouraged to explore and find out. Thus began my journey of self exploration. I continue to learn more about myself every day. I started to journey home to me.
Along the way, I have uncovered wounds, I have realised narratives that I have subconsciously running to hold myself back, I understand my limiting beliefs. I have also realised that I am a wise and powerful woman, with gifts to share with the world.
It is a delight to me that I have the privilege of continuing to learn and grow. For when we stop growing, we start dying.
My own deep personal work is what led me along the path to my passion and purpose today. Holding space for women to realise their own power. Connecting back to themselves through their intuition. Rekindling their relationship to self.
Perhaps if you are feeling lost, this might be the very thing you need in order to find your true self.
Live, Love and Laugh,
Tash x
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