I was standing in the bathroom one morning, putting wax in my five year old’s hair as he regaled me with a tale about who was fastest in the running race yesterday, whilst the eight year old stood by with her hairbrush, advising me that I was the only thing standing between her and finishing […]
I’m an Allergy Mum – Hear me Roar!
Food. Its arguably the fabric that holds communities together. Food is used for so much more than nutrition and fuelling the body. It used for enjoyment; many families gather over food, its used to say I love you, at rituals and ceremonies, cultural gatherings, even for compassionate means. It is ubiquitous. Now imagine that food, […]
Mother’s Guilt – Why do we make it our cross to bear?
I recently returned to work after my third round of maternity leave. After we had our third, we talked seriously about whether I would return to work at all. The logistical nightmare of working part-time whilst juggling of the two older children in school, their range of extra curricular activities and a baby was not […]
The Sisterhood of Motherhood
Hi I’m Tash, 38 year old mum of three and devoted wife to my hubby and partner in life; Matt. My three beautiful children are Olivia (8), William (6) and Nicholas (1). We live a full and chaotic life, juggling the balance between family, school, work and running a small business. As mums, we are […]