I’m actually quite afraid to share this blog publicly. I don’t want to invite conflict into my life, I hate confrontation! But something deep inside me keeps urging me to be vulnerable and share my story. I have pledged that with my blogs all along, I don’t intend to stop now. Even if it means making myself a little less popular after I share this one.
I’m not one for melodrama, but for some time now, I have felt like I am a bystander, watching a car crash happening over and over again in front of me, and I’m powerless to stop it or make any significant impact. I’m watching a runaway train, I’m certain it’s set on a course for disaster, but no one can hear my calls for help.
The world as I know it is breaking down before my eyes. Friendships are splitting, families are fighting and innocent people are becoming outcasts, and held to blame for all that is happening around us.
People’s civic rights have been removed based on health decisions that should be about informed consent. In a society that is a democracy – pro voice and choice being the cornerstone of this structure, these rights are no longer afforded to some people. There are the haves and the have nots.
I am listening in dismay as I hear the harshness in people’s voices when they talk about others. The callous way that people suggest that they’ll get what they deserve, that they had it coming to them. On both sides of the fence, the accusations sound similar – the ‘others’ are ill-educated, selfish, and blind. There are too many words of hate pouring from people’s mouths.
I recently watched a staff member at a chemist treat a man in an obnoxious and condescending way, demanding medical information and treating the person with contempt. I was not even the subject of the scrutiny, yet I felt small, intimidated, and frightened as he spoke loudly and harshly to this individual, ensuring the whole place could hear him.
I created a FB post in a local community group seeking options for children’s masks. What I thought was an innocent request quickly turned into a viral feed of people sharing their opinions on what I should and shouldn’t do with my children. People started to turn on each other, shaming, putting each other down, and seeking to prove the other wrong. I stopped reading the comments after a while, it was too overwhelming to take in. Regardless of people’s position, I couldn’t believe how easily people were treating each other with such disdain.
In my humble opinion, this is what is wrong with the world right now. It’s not the mandate, it’s not the actual virus. It’s the lack of human kindness. People have forgotten to look after each other. In all this fear and scaremongering, people have forgotten that compassion, love, and understanding will go so much further than hate, fear and separation.
For me, this current state of the world has challenged me to my core. This has been the ultimate lesson in trusting my intuition and taking heart-led action. It has also led me to meet and connect with some beautiful people who also have a vision for a kinder, more accepting world. I am so grateful for this.
I know everyone is feeling the pressure cooker of where we’re at. For me, every day, every hour, sometimes every minute, I am drawn back to the energy surrounding our current world. I want to cry with its unfairness, I want to throw my hands in the air and I want to yell.
All I can do is choose to be in my truth because to live outside your truth is to not live at all. I will hold true to the vision that the universe has a greater plan for us all, we’re just not privy to it yet. If you’re like me, then you will know what you need to help fill your cup during this time. For me, it’s the bush, it’s the beach, it’s my husband and children.
And above all, I will practice kindness. Show kindness to myself, kindness to my family and kindness to my fellow humans. Because this is really what the world needs more of right now. I may fall off the wagon from time to time, because, that’s right – we’re human! But I will always return to my intention.
Feel free to reach out and share how you’re going. In this world, we need to share our human experiences.
Live, Love and Laugh,
It is still pro choice. Your choice is to get vaccinated or you are excuded from non-life essential services. Just because you dont like the options, doesnt mean there is no choice.
Its actually kindness to make the brave choice of getting vaccinated. Yes, some people have negative effects, but the good to many in the situation is worth the negative effects to few.
Hi Steph, thanks for taking the time to read and comment on this blog. I still believe that kindness should be unconditional, it’s not a matter of ‘if you do this, then you get this’. I like to think that with this approach, there will be less hatred and division in the world.