I was recently blown away by a podcast I listened to; Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. In this episode, he interviewed Ed Mylett and talked about life and his book The Power of One More: The Ultimate Guide to Happiness and Success, written after his father passed away.
I recommend you listen to the interview in full, but I know life is pretty hectic for all of us, so I pulled 5 things from the chat that really landed with me.
1. Do the inconvenient thing every day. Stretch yourself and this is how you expand. When we act only from our comfort zones, we don’t have the opportunity to grow. So make that call, reach out to the person, go for that role. Call that loved one.
2. Look after our physical body and it will look after you. Such a simple thing that is probably not new to many of us. However, for me, in the context that this is something we can always control and can always have a positive impact on, yet often we neglect and treat poorly – still expecting good performance! You can read more about more thoughts on this in my blog Let’s Give Respect to Our Beautiful Bodies.
3. Being able to say wrong is one of the most powerful statements a human can make. Accepting you were wrong and putting your hand up to say, actually I’ve changed my mind, or I was wrong is the ultimate act of humility and self awareness. It got me thinking, why do we struggle to admit we were wrong? Is it the culture we live in, where ‘failure’ has such negative connotations. To me, there is no such thing as failure, only opportunities for growth and learning. The more you ‘fail’, the more you grow and learn.
4. If you believe you can, you can! If you believe you can’t, you can’t! However, it doesn’t stop with thinking. Once you have decided you can do something, you then need to be prepared to take action towards this. Bring the vision to life! Something I see shared in some spiritual circles is that you can just manifest things by ‘putting it out into the universe’ and waiting for it to come. I don’t subscribe to this. What I do subscribe to is deciding you can do something, then using your intuition to take steps to get you there. This is precisely what we practice in my introductory women’s intuitive and empowerment program Discovering Me, the next one is happening in September.
5. The thing that you are most ashamed of, most embarrassed about or hide from the world, is probably the very thing that will help you to achieve what you’re supposed to achieve. It is probably the very thing you need to be qualified to connect with the people you’re here to connect with. What a way to think about this! It resonates so strongly with me because all along, I have committed to showing up and being vulnerable. Telling the truth about what’s really going on for me is what’s allowed other humans to feel safe to explore their own journey. It’s not always easy, but it is powerful.
Which tip resonates most with you?
Are there other things you do that help you to become better every day?
Live, Love and Laugh,
Tash x
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