Picking up the story from where I left off last week – this was my last paragraph just to give you the prompter….
I decided to publish the blog for others to read. This was my first true step towards showing people what was really going on for me. I realised that if I could help just one person by reading my blog, it was worth me showing up and sharing a part of my story. I was surprised and moved by the volume of people who instantly started to reach out to me when I started to share my journey. Reactions ranged from shock, empathy and most commonly – connection. It seemed my story really resonated with others.
I continued to write my blog and shared a new one each week. I expanded my sharing to include my experiences with mother’s guilt, miscarriage and being a mum of a child with allergies. I also shared my own reflections on why the world needs more kindness, why its important to stand in our own truth and lessons I’ve learnt, now that Im 40. I’ve published over 30 blogs, please feel free to check them out via clicking on my blog page here.
Out of sheer stubbornness and likely a lack of knowledge on what else I could do, I returned briefly to my employed role. The universe was very quick to remind me that my healing was far from over, only two months in a developed an advanced kidney infection, landing me back in the care of yet another specialist and multiple ED trips before finding the source of the problem. I finally had to make the call, it was time to resign from my career of over 15 years. My physical and mental health had to be the priority. The process of having this conversation with my Manager triggered a huge grief resonse in me. I now knew with aboslute certainty, that without this role, I had lost a huge part of my identity.
It was during this raw time that I was finally open to the oppporunity to go on my own personal learning journey. I dove into personal work, started to read non fiction books about health and alignment and allowed myself to imagine what I might love to do with the rest of my life.
So began the birth of my women’s empowerment business. Alongside my own healing, I realised I had a total passion for walking shoulder to shoulder with other women as they re-discovered themselves.
I combined my ‘old world’ leadership, facilitation and relationship building skills with my new world ‘intution and self development’ training to create what is now my women’s empowerment business ‘Tash Diaries’. My offerings include 1:1 coaching, small group programs, women’s circles and reiki. I also offer free meditations, guided journaling resources and a free community that women can join anytime.
They say that when you’re out of alignment, the universe starts by throwing pebbles to get your attention. Then stones, then rocks, then a rock wall. I hit the rock wall before I could hear what was going on.
Getting sick was truly the catalyst for me to slow down, turn inward and start to reform my relationship with myself. But not everyone needs that level of pain to realise they want a deeper relationship with themselves!
I am on a mission for all women to recognise their own power – to me, this is quite simply achieved through following their intuition and owning their wisdom!
If you would like to learn more about how to follow your intuition, why not join my two half day journey – Empowered Woman on 22 & 23 November?. We’ll dive into learning some lifelong intuitive tools and
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