I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed of late. Some of you might know that I returned to work 3 days a week about four months ago. In addition to this, Im still mumma to 3 kids under 12, building my women’s intuitive coaching biz and supporting our family business at the same time. Throw […]
What do you need to forgive yourself for today?
It’s a challenging question. The answer is likely to be more challenging. But there you have it. Nothing worth having comes easy. Self-forgiveness is so important, yet it is not easy. Would you believe me if I said that many of us (women in particular), are guilty of holding onto something – purely for something […]
There’s No Such Thing as Perfect
We recently relocated to Perth. This time for us has been a period of instability, fear and uncertainty. Life has thrown us another curve in the path and we have followed it, without knowing exactly where it’s leading us next. As always though, we hold the vision of our family living a life of freedom […]
Do your children have more self confidence than you at the same age?
‘I am scared mum, but I want to do it’. These were the words coming out of my 10 year old daughter’s mouth, in regards to her application to become a student councillor (or prefect in some systems). I rallied quickly to get behind her. Of course you can do it darling, we can do […]
Stepping Into the Unkown
Picking up the story from where I left off last week – this was my last paragraph just to give you the prompter…. I decided to publish the blog for others to read. This was my first true step towards showing people what was really going on for me. I realised that if I could […]
How do you energetically prepare yourself for success?
How do you energetically prepare yourself for success? This week, I am preparing to host a 2 day program for over 20 women. Other than the obvious logistical tasks that are required, I also follow a consistent energetic routine in the lead up and during each program I hold. This process can easily be applied […]